- New Site launched
- Prototyped vision and implemented it into model
- Moved from HTML based processing to vision based
- Misc bug fixes related to model transition
- Migrated from visual annotation to code annotation
- (Canceled irrelevant visual annotation tickets)
- Designed v1 orchestration
- Native selects
- Native date picker
- Native color picker
- Native file picker (no files yet)
- Radio and checkboxes
- Hover element
- New approach to scrolling elements or page
- Different ways to clear dirty inputs
- Removed invite code (Self serve now open)
- Fixed auto joining team links
- Magic Setup log feedback
- New onboarding Wizard deployed
- Wrote more documentations
- Refreshed graph designs
- Updated documentation
- Onboarding Wizard Designs
- Team set to “disabled” before setup and added pending state
- Duration timers
- Paginated window for infinite scroll
- Added live chat support
- Cleaned up team dashboard view and fixed mobile layouts
- Node accessibility via Node Library
- Iterated and implemented new site with public sample team and demo link
- Updated Magic Setup to create profile ie: avatar and bio on the fly
- Refreshed default flow for session manager
- Added API doc upload
- Implemented Magic Setup for session manager
- Reintroduced aspect ratios to image prompt
- Added default nodes to new flows (comes connected with split node)
- Tweaked actor profile page layout
- Designed and implemented “Collect Node”
- Updated Node title editing
- Frontend clean up
- Nav
- Team Settings
- Added batch forcewake on all actors
- Finished polishing all designs and nodes
- Subprocess node
- Actor playground with structured fields
- Take Nodes
- Node Library
- Designed & implemented
- Take Node
- Structured prompt-text node
- Fixed Extract nodes returning nested objects
- Updated prompt text event designs
- Fixed prompt image preview for sample team
- Collapsable datatables
- Failing runs when API nodes return error status
- Showing followed redirects on API node
Build out additional events
- Session nodes
- Conditional nodes
- Run failure
- Styling session manager “detours”
- Collapsing session manager subflow on runs
- Rebuilt runs to be powered by events
- Launched event system:
- Session
- Conditional
- Splitter
- Extract
- Prompt Text & Image
- console.log
- Rewrote API wrapper class
- Started implementation of event system
- Designed traffic management and environment management
- Refactored design system to use P3 Colors
- Implemented Extract Node
- Migrated JSON data from S3 to B2
- Converted flows to one long running lambda per execution
- Implemented Sample Team. Customers can visit a read only example of an up and running team
- Switched stability image provider
- Migrated request/response objects to S3
- Database clean up to reduce disk utilization
- Designed:
- how team environments relate to flows
- environment secret configs
- moved actor control from Flows to Environment level
- Show indicator while flows are compiling, which includes a “saving” and “building” state.
- Inviting members to teams no longer requires beta invite code
- Introduced date helpers, actors can now generate and interact with dates in flows
- Optimizations on simulation engine to support larger number of concurrent actors
- Documented all existing helper methods
- Static IPs for lambda traffic
- Basic Auth API support
- Stability AI prompt images
- Implemented “Getting started” section with Docs
- Implemented “Chorus” event server (Chorus is a standalone microservice for incoming log events)
- Actors have passwords by default (a first class feature)
- Misc clean ups
- Scrapping WWWs for URLs → exposing them as Artifact URLs
- Explored S3 for json data store, Golang for incoming event server
- Started on documenting session manager
- Implemented dirty forms on all regular forms and graphs
- New modal with plain text support, code support, JSON support
- Split nodes return override option
- Implemented local time zone for all timestamps
- New mini flash banner
- Inline preview on text and image prompt nodes
- Built and merged new homepage
- New code node layout
- Made inline edit for split
- Mustache input parsing, json payload parsing
- Prompt text and prompt image nodes
- Staff CRUD placeholders
- Dashboard graphs
- Miscellaneous bugs
- Merged Staff portal
- Implemented conditional Nodes
- Implemented UI half of API Nodes
- Designed Prompt Nodes
- Built actor dedicated memory storage
- Separate storage for session data and custom memory fields
- Implemented force wake (infinite and timed force wake)
- Headless proof of concept (with session state tracking):
- Conclusion: Lot of potential but will be our “V2”. Still a lot of work to figure out the node equivalent of this capability. We’re not changing our current roadmap to incorporate this anytime soon.
- Reworked node responses to separate next output ID from node output.
- A lot more flexible, nodes can pass content through while selecting output edge separately.
- Reworked actor/session data memory to dedicated model
- Users can join teams!
- Users can invite others to teams
- Team slugs in URL
- Users, teams, actors ALL have avatars
- Media prompt image hosted through media server
- CR8TIVE WORLD and BYND are using avatars and media again
- OpenID test run with (another openID demo)
- Finished components flows
- Build component instances
- Async blueprint creation
- Populated initial session manager flow
- Improved surface area of error handling in blueprints
- Tied up design loose ends:
- Tagging actor as busy
- Admin work
- Force wake
- Collapse and expanded view of Components in a run
- Built brand split in CSS for login/signup/terms/privacy/teams pages
- Component flows are almost complete
- Component instances coming next
- Split session manager logic out of flows
- Mobile version for everything designed
- Revisited onboarding flow designs
- Admin design skeleton and structure
- Killed plans!
- Exchange → Session Manager got implemented
- Real time type on bot playground.
- Mobile view for all pages
- Tokenized improved design system
- Tied design loose ends: Actor permalinks, Dashboard (v1)
- Built out run permalinks
- Rebuilt window global & permalinks
- Node graph cleanups, highlight state, highlight node via run permalink (direct from URL)
- Cursor based pagination
- Concept Auth and Effector into Component flows
- Node states and node details
- BYND is fully graph based
- Implemented split nodes
- Cleaned up table views
- Designed most of Node components, interactions, and behaviors.
- Flow graphs working, botnet replicated on new graph system.
- **** also got graphed up. The node system is flexible enough to solve for a sequence that didn’t work before ie (editing a project vs creating a new project)
- Only did code node which is the foundational piece to all nodes
- Designed all detail pages, Global events, global windows, detail window, run, event, and instance pages.
- Conceptual breakthrough on moving from codes to nodes
- POCs of executing edges and nodes, verified it’s gonna work well
- Consolidated everything into node graphs (effectors as well as plans)
- Effectors are attached to windows, only decayed within same window, only consider effectors from the current window
- Marketing site is live
- Marketing site design, copy, implementation by Allan
- 2024 roadmap, vision on how to approach Q1+Q2
- BYND chats, live typing indicators
- Effectors grouped by parent with decaying score
- The ability for team members to login as bots
- 0auth cleanup, internal authentication auth for bots
- Landed **** integration
- They have the ability to spawn new bots which will signup and login with their accounts
- Cycle through their plan and execute their blueprints
- Deliver image results as expected
- Fine tuning of front-end designs so they’re 1:1 with Figma.
- auth provider (this took the most time and was the main purpose of the week, huge value and unlock here)
- Auth0 login automation
- Favicon clean ups, prep for dot com deploy
- Upgraded rails
- Integrated timekeeper microservice
- Styled ‘window, effector, invocation’ permalinks
- Codemirror read only lines
- Finished action item conditions from Cycle 7
- Plan page implemented
- Item page implemented
- Action page done (except for conditions)
- All designs for V1 of Synthetic Editor done and handed off
- External timekeeper assistant deployed and integrated
- Lots of panel and admin tweaks
- Introduced concept of “windows”
- Introduced v1 of bio-clock driven traffic
- Created big dent in v1 of new backend designs
- Scoping of improved Timekeeper
- Added a lot of fancy graphs to dashboard
- We have user accounts, login and registration flows
- First pass of landing page
- CSS for V1 Synthetic Traffic Editor
- Ported all pages to new layout
- Added syntax highlighter to code editor
- Designed all pages of V1
- Simplified Time-broker first pass
- Created bot biological clock concept
- Customer facing Mixpanel integration (proof of concept)
- Actor prompt playground
- Bots are able to generate unique traits based on personas
- Prompt engineering R&D
- Stable Diffusion up and running
- Cracked first concept of the “Time Broker”
- Botnet CSS polish
- Eden CSS polish
- Deck polish
- Botnet Media uploads
- Fixed botnet email template
- Fixed botnet email sending
- Stripped feedback and revisions from Botnet
- Baukunst Talk
- Built out Botnet
- Added Teams to product
- Added register/login prereqs
- OpenAI actor prompting
- Explored OpenAI scoring (abandoned for now)
- Blueprints for chatting/replying on Botnet using Synthetic Platform
- Eden process lives within backend
- Ability to define blueprint weights for
- Eden process calculates rhythm for every bot
- Rhythm drives plan executions
- Bots track items, effectors, and scores (random for now)
- Bots can login and register for service
- Began exploring dog-fooding playground for bots, aka BotNet
- Established design language for ST and designed all primary pages